Frontiers to Forever: Getting started - what's essential

Frontiers to Forever

Enter the exciting life of a Housewife, Mother, Homeschooler, and so much more! Who knew staying home could be so fascinating!! I have lots to say about simplicity, frugality, and family. Life in the slow lane, from a Christian perspective.

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Location: Vermont, United States

Christian, Homemaker, Wife and Mother of 4. I love my 'simple' country life. I'm all about finding the bottom line - how little do we really need? In 2008 I started getting interested in the preparedness movement. I'm not Fannie Farmer by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm making an honest effort to change the way my family lives. We raise a small flock of laying hens and are attempting to take our backyard garden seriously. We still buy too many prepackaged goods and spend too much time in front of the screens though.


Getting started - what's essential

I'm sitting here staring at the screen with a sudden case of writers block. Oh my goodness - if I post this ANYONE IN THE WORLD can read it. Do I really have something that important to say?
All morning I've been thinking how writing is a very arrogant thing. You must start with the premise that what you have to say is so interesting and profound that someone else might be interested in it. WOW!

I considered titling this post "What's your can opener?" but for a first time post that just sounded all wrong. Here's the (short) story (really - it's not stupid - there is a point):
My niece and nephews are visiting for a few weeks. One of them need to use my can opener but couldn't find it. We had a brief but interesting discussion -
Child - "Where's the can opener"
Me - "It's in the silverware drawer"
(Strange look from child - who proceeds to pull it out)
Child - "This is weird - your can opener isn' like ours"
Me - "I know sweetie - that's because yours is electric and mine isn't"
(brief silence followed by another strange look)
Me - "I have always had a hand can opener. It is a small way of reminding me that there are many things in this life that we can have but don't need."

POINT - We live in a society of excess. We have developed an innate need to upgrade everything from computers to can openers - but why?

Honestly, my little hand can opener works just as fast as an electric one, it costs nothing to run, has never (in 12 years) needed to be replaced, and doesn't take up shelf space. Why do I need an electric one? I've had them, they're bulky and you can't leave stuff on them anyways so what's the point?


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