Why I "don't work" - confessions of a housewife
He quit, took two semesters of classes - and was lost. This man was made to work, and to work hard. He was lost around the house. As much as he loved being home with our boys (who were 5,6,7ish in those days) - he was a fish out of water. He took on a part time job within the first year. After two years he went back to work full time, Army National Guard - within 12 months he had his orders for Iraq.
By then we had a new baby and I was working still (but only off and on). I had "quit" my job - but my boss hadn't figured that out yet. I stopped in the office (on the way home from the hospital with my new bundle of joy) and ended up refereeing an argument between my replacement and a staff person. A sign of things to come - within a month I was sucked back in with pleas of "We *really* need you!!" It started as a couple of hours here and there to help my replacement but wound up being semi-permanent.
The hours got longer - the baby got bigger - I started getting tired. Then his orders came. I was suddenly a single parent juggling a baby, a job, a home... the house of cards started tumbling down. I was so exhausted by the end of the day that I started dozing off during the 20+ minute commute home. It scared me straight! I suddenly realized that I was putting myself, my baby, and everyone on the road at risk - just to perpetuate the myth that women can do anything, and they can do it all at once (which I never believed to begin with). I was done.
POINT - I really resent feminism. I'm glad to see true femininity making a comeback. I've often felt like I was born in the wrong era. I've always known I wanted to be a housewife/mother - but society no longer sees that as normal or acceptable. We are expected to be 'more'. More than WHAT?! I suppose I'll save that for another post.
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